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These Travel Accessories Could Save Your Life

Savvy business travelers know that “safety first” should be top of mind, especially when you are leaving home for a foreign land and lack the support and other resources that you rely on in your city.

You can improve your safety while on the road by using a variety of items that cost $10 or less, noted a recent article at Huffington Post.

A rubber doorstop may seem prosaic. These handy little plastic and rubber items will give you an added measure of security, because they are as good at holding a door open as they are at keeping it shut tight. When staying at a hotel that doesn’t have the latest security amenities, such as electronic keycards, use the doorstop to prevent criminals and stalkers from sneaking into your room.

QuikClot is a military-grade piece of gauze that the manufacturer treats with chemicals that will make your blood clot upon application. If you get injured and are in danger of bleeding too much with no medical attention in the area, use QuikClot to prevent you from losing too much blood and stay stable until you can reach a hospital.

Rubber bands are pretty low-tech, but you can buy a large bag of them for less than 10 bucks and they will prove invaluable. Wrap some rubber bands around your wallet—doing so makes it 83 times more difficult for criminals to steal from you.

All travel safety kits should include a flashlight. It’s best to get one that is durable and will last a long time (such as one that uses LED bulbs). Use a real flashlight the power goes out or when you find yourself out at night with little street illumination. If an emergency occurs at your hotel when it’s dark outside, you can use the flashlight to get out of your room and find the nearest emergency exit much more readily.

We make safety a top priority at Royal Coachman. Our expert chauffeurs receive ongoing training and are periodically tested to ensure we are doing our very best to safeguard our passengers. By using our ground transportation services as well as any or all of these travel accessories, you should stay healthier, happier and safer during your journeys.

Posted in: corporate travel, travel tips



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